We are proud to sponsor Team MACOGEP-ARGON18-GIRONDINS de Bordeaux powered by MAZDA. The word “sponsor” does not truly reflect the excellent relationship that we have built with the team over the course of the past few years. I believe that we have effectively passed this level of commitment a long time ago. A more appropriate word would be partner or even teammate!
We recognize the efforts you have made to represent our brand and make it shine. Your professionalism in this regard is exemplary. We are happy that the athletes are able to wear a jersey with our name, and that your vehicles are clearly identified as Mazda and that the entire space and time you give us during your press conferences. Equally important for us is how all the team members, including the athletes, have become extraordinary ambassadors of our brand. Many sacrifices from each person are necessary to bring a team to your level of excellence. We know that this level of commitment and determination will generate respect and admiration from the community and that this will reflect the perception of the Mazda brand, and for this we thank you.
Jacques Parent
Québec Director Regional